Sarah Jane Fisher Doll

Sarah Jane Fisher Doll
'An early Sarah Jane Fisher Doll'

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Soon to arrive...

...'The Dollmaker Who Hated Dolls'!

There is a copy on it's way - found in Sarah's archive by her husband David. He's going to post it down to me, so hopefully it will arrive within a few days.
I can scan the full article and put it up here for people to read at their leisure.

And back to the NIADA problem...

It has been suggested that I write a blanket email to all members of the NIADA, in the hope that someone might read it and see if they can help me out. 

What I am hoping for is an opportunity to post one or two images onto their website or Facebook page in the hope that someone, eventually, might recognise Sarah's style and say something along the lines of "Hey, I've seen a doll like that" or "my Great-Aunty has a doll which looks a bit like that". 
A photograph could be emailed to me to post up here; and there we have one of Sarah's dolls that has been kept in someone's private collection, or purely for their love of Sarah's doll, after all this time.

Who knows. It could happen?

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